Avui la Mar i el seu pare ens han explicat a on podem trobar restes romanes a Barcelona.
Artur VF, Víctor BS
Avui la Mar i el seu pare ens han explicat a on podem trobar restes romanes a Barcelona.
Artur VF, Víctor BS
Dear families,
For the last two weeks, we have started a new BG called ‘Are we greek or roman?’. The first challenge has been to investigate a god or goddess from the Greek or Roman times. We have compared both versions of the gods or goddesses and each group has conducted an investigation about a specific one.
Then, we have collected everything we have learned about this god or goddess and made a poster. Finally, we have done an oral presentation for our classmates.
Please enjoy the following recording of our oral presentations:
We hope you have learned something new! 🙂
Hello families 🙂
For the past two weeks, we have been learning and experiencing a variety of English Easter traditions. From learning a song about the Easter bunny to enjoying a fantastic chocolate egg hunt, we have had so much fun!
One of our favourite activities has been to record ourselves singing the song we have learned and creating a magical video for our schoolmates in “l’escola petita”, so they can learn the song too.
It is safe to say they all loved it and we think you will too!
Please enjoy watching our brilliant performances:
Have a lovely spring break and Happy Easter to all of you!
La Mar, acompanyada dels altres representants del curs, va fer un molt bon paper en el concurs extern que vam fer al Conservatori de Música
Hello families!
Theses past weeks, we have been learning about the Prehistoric Ages and our final challenge has been to image what a day looked like back then.
Each cooperative team has prepared a video depicting a day in the life of a prehistoric tribe.
We hope you will enjoy watching them. Everyone did a great job!
Avui hem comentat el segon llibre d’Atrapallibres, Fora de lloc, un còmic autobiogràfic de Lucy Knisley, que ens parla de com ens hem d’adaptar a les noves situacions…i de viure al camp, de cuidar animals i de moltes més coses que descobrireu si el llegiu. Ens ha agradat molt i a final de curs decidirem quin dels tres llibres del projecte ens agrada més
Avui els companys/es de 6è de primaria ens han vingut a fer un bon dia de la dona treballadora.
Avui comancem l’apadrinament lector amb els nostres fillols/as de EI5
Avui amb la Maria em començat a fer un teler gegant a la reixa del pati de colors.
Enviat des del meu iPad
Avui em fet un viatge en el temps al futur per fer una petita investigecio sobre fosils del segle 21!!!